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Season 3: Escalation League to start

The time has come, Season 3 of the Deeside Defenders 40k league is about to begin.

In this article, you will find all the links and information you need for the upcoming league, including how to sign up, the missions and map pack, when it will start & finish etc.


The previous two seasons have been incredible successes. We have gone from a handful of individuals to 36 (at the last count). The league has, without a doubt, helped build the community we treasure today.

The honour of holding the league bolter and lifting that league trophy is only part of what has made this league the best and, quite possibly, the largest and most successful in the nation. It has built the skill level, introduced new players to each other, determined the NWTC team, and helped forge good sportsmanship amongst our membership.

The format

Six rounds of WTC (world team championship) compliant Warhammer 40k; all the information can be found in the player pack: LIVE - Deeside Escalation League Season 3 - Google Docs

Five simple steps to start

Ok, so without further ado, here are the steps to begin:

  1. Sign up

    We already have 36 players who have signed up for the league, and the final sign-up is Thursday, the 22nd of August.

  2. Submit list

    register your name, email and 1000 pts army list for round 1 here (pro tip - it helps to post it into a Google doc first, then submit):

  3. Await fixture

    On Monday, the 26th of August, we will broadcast the fixtures (who's playing who) and randomly select the mission for the three-week round. You will find the live broadcast here:

  4. Map pack

    Every round we will randomly draw a Mission, Rule and Deployment from the map pack below for the game that will be played by everyone until the next round.

  5. Play

    The first round starts on the 26th of August, immediately after the live draw. Remember, this league is for fun and the honour of winning the League Bolter! Season 4 (starting next year) will decide the team for NWTC 25 (More information to follow).

Why WTC?

My personal ambition and our dream is to build a grassroots movement of Warhammer 40k in Wales to better compete in the World Team Championships (WTC). The WTC is an annual world championship in which 40 nations worldwide send their 8 best players to compete on the international stage to determine the best Warhammer nation. The spirit of this organisation is to help your opponent (no gotchas!) in all aspects of the game. This spirit of Warhammer, combined with balanced and community-driven rules, embodies the very best of what this game system can be.

As such, we as a club have adopted the rules, FAQs, and Maps of the WTC to help us regulate our games and increase our players' skill and familiarity with the international game. They can be found at the link below.

One day, you could represent your country at the WTC International Nerd Festival! and believe me, its fun!

So go out there, have fun, be gentlemen and learn from each other.


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