The first all-day gaming event of the year is approaching at the speed of time.
Sunday 24th March 2024 - 09:00 to 18:00
Bookings and Ticket sales are now ... {Insert dramatic drum roll here} ... OPEN!
Supported by our partners Battle Games and Models, the day is open to all Club Members and invited guests.
Those wishing to play games on the day should ensure they have booked table space on the club website or via the handy-dandy bright red button below.
Remember a table is a single 6'x2.5' table (either a folding plastic club table or a fake wood topped DOC table). If you need a classic 6x4 playing rea - then you need to book TWO tables for your game.
Tickets are £5 each if purchased before the 14th March. or £7 thereafter and on the day. Tickets are available from any committee member for cash or nebulous magic-card. All of our usual arrangements will be in place. Cafe will open for breakfast at 8:30 and serve until 14:00. We shall have a Bring & Buy and Battle Games will be present with a range of toys.