Hello, It's me again... With the christmas party only 2 weeks away I thought I better start showing off what you guys have the chance of winning this year in the infamous christmas raffle! We have pledged £400 towards the raffle and have asked various members for some assistance to help stock up on prizes at the Christmas party this year... We have recently been given our prizes from our 40k and Board Game Communities which I wanted to share with you... From the 40k Community we have various paints and primers...all will be group up to then value of around £20. It's certainly not a bad way to kick start the year by tackling your plastic pile of shame.
The board game community have provided with a really interesting bundle too...we have 4 different board games up for grabs for anyone looking to have some family fun this christmas...whether thats fighting Dracula or testing your skills at cooking some buttered mushrooms.
Unfortunately this is all I have to show you for now but there are still more prizes on the way! So make sure you grab some raffle tickets soon, they are available for purchase at £1 per ticket, but why not increase your chances and get yourself a strip for £5....