Hello everyone.
The Annual General Meeting will be taking place on the 4th of April.
The treasurer nomination window is closed, and we have received only one nomination. Therefore, we will use the AGM to ask members for their support in electing Sean Warner to continue his current position as treasurer.
So many of you have completed the survey—it's great to see! But if you haven't, please click on the link below to do so. We will share the survey results, news, and solicit opinions on the cub's current and future state during the AGM. https://docs.google.com/forms/d/11bMfx17F0dngilHk3WlKKU_ouL5mMaq6GfO_S87__SM/edit
So Please comment on this post or contact a committee member if you wish to discuss anything during the AGM. Hands in the air also work, so I'm told!
Over and out.
