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15% off @ HOBBYCRAFT

Due to the good work of Paul Jones, HOBBYCRAFT have offered the club a 15% discount* until 17th November.

As this date falls before our Christmas ‘Do’ we can’t pass the voucher on as a prize, so we have decided to put in a club order on 15th.

Any club member can participate. Feel free to have your crafty/arty significant others, children, in-laws and pets contribute too. Or buy a Christmas present or three.

  1. Look through the HOBBYCRAFT website and note the items you want.

  2. Email your list to Paul hand it to him, send semaphore or carrier pigeon, but get it to Paul.

  3. Pay Paul using PayPal friends and family by 14th November, and he will place the order and get it delivered to him.

Hopefully goods will be available at game night 24th November.

Thanks Paul!

* excluding gift cards and digital cutting machines (for some reason)


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