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Space Opera

Game Master :

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Start Date :

Playing on :

Byrom Barr

Assessing Interest

Every Monday

The Space Opera setting is a futuristic milieu where there are several different cultures and people travel the galaxy in Starships via hyperspace. Traders, pirates and interstellar law enforcement organisations patrol the void

So are you going to be an Ursoid Armsman mercenary looking for their next conflict, an Avian Linguist deciphering forerunner inscriptions, a Canine Crime Tech infiltrating a criminal cartel or just a plain old Human Astronaut exploring the void or any combination there of.

How you play your character is up to you. What are your goals? What will your character do to achieve them? What does your character fear?

The Space Opera setting is a futuristic milieu where there are several different cultures and people travel the galaxy in Starships via hyperspace. Traders, pirates and interstellar law enforcement organisations patrol the void.

Your character has just left their initial service, whether this is the Starforce, Marines, Merchant Marine, BRINT (Bureau of Intelligence), PDF (Planetary Defence Force) etc.

Your Tour of duty has left you well outside the Terran Star Sector, in a region known as the Outworlds, Deneb Sector

The planet your currently on is Midgard, a good place to cut loose and relax after your years of service but not one for long term prospects. However you have been scouting out potential opportunities and found one that may help you back to a more civilised region of the galaxy.

The job is to escort a scientist, Kendra Morloff from a remote research station in orbit around Midgard back to the planet Procyon IV (Britannia) and it comes with a substantial financial reward.

After 12 days journeying with several stopovers in the Deneb Sector, you board a Fasolt Class Liner, much more upmarket than some of the ships you have experienced at the beginning of this trip. Now the ship has entered FTL for the main part of the journey a 700+ Light Year trip to the Terran Star Sector via way of a number of star systems on commercial liners then on to Procyon by chartered ship. your destination Procyon IV some 55 days away.

A few days into the FTL journey between the Capella and Castor systems you find yourself waking up on the floor of your cabin feeling somewhat woozy as though you had been drugged and the scientist missing.......

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