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Testing.. testing.. they have let me loose!

Hi Folks, Well, Alan will die of shock that I have found the button that makes posts on this beloved website of ours. As Chairman this is my first post (maybe me last if Alan removes my privileges..) So just wanted to say. As we head towards our Christmas Meal on the 7th of December. (Meal Tickets and Raffle Tickets are available for purchase, please buy more!!!! ) It been a pretty hectic year for us a club and committee. As far as my memory goes, we have so far in 2023.. achieved the following; Ran Three Club Gaming events, our Gauntlettes and Gauntlet events. Four days of mayhem and fun. But you folks all seemed to have enjoyed them. We put on an several demo games at Wrexham Games Day (Big Thanks to volunteers who helped us). We bought new terrain, new board games and new matts. Alan has sorted an amazing website and Sean has been crunching our financial numbers through the year and we aren't bankrupt yet. Despite my efforts. We have leased a new storage cupboard and Alan and volunteers have/are in the process of renovating and its looking great. We have arranged for a xmas meal with choice of one of two hot meals and a cold buffet to go with. We have a raffle arranged with over £350 pounds worth of prizes for variety of wargames, boardgames and RPG related bit to be won! (Please buy more tickets!). We have increased our gaming nights from just Thursday to include a new RPG night on a Wednesday and with the help of some great and generous GMs we have some great campaigns being run and waiting to be run. If you haven't RPGed before and fancy giving it ago and free on a Wednesday night, please come have a chat or pop along 7-10pm.. We have also as a club ran several tournaments and leagues for the likes of Blood Bowl, 40k, Necromunda and Frostgrave to name a few. Many of these ran by club members who stepped up and done a great job. We have had some great painting competitions and some amazing pieces of art and skill have been produced for them. All of this, has been achieved because of you the membership. We as committee wouldn't be here with out you folks one and all who come and play and pay! Next year we as a committee has some idea and plan, but welcome any you folks may have or wish to make and share. The three of us cannot do this alone and so in the new year we will be hoping to recruit more victims.. sorry volunteers. So big thank you and please buy your meal ticket and buy lots of raffle tickets.. Now.. how do I get this thing to post.. (click)! PS - Please buy your meal tickets and buy more raffle tickets! PSS - Can you spot a theme about meal tickets and raffle tickets!


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Sorry everyone... I may live to regret this.



For a first post, I think its a classic.. I can vote for my self can't I..???

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