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Christmas painting challenge: Results!

The 2024 Deeside Defenders painting challenge managed to attract some incredible talent from amongst our members (as usual!), showcasing some astonishing hobby projects and painting skills alike!

In this article, we'd like to honour the contenders and winners of the painting competition and share some images from that evening. 

1st place was awarded the mighty DD Christmas bauble trophy (as seen below), £25 rosemary and co voucher, Rosemary and co brush, and 5 nights free at the club.

2nd & 3rd place: Rosemary and co brush, 5 nights free at the club

Now, let's have a look at the entries and see what all the fuss is about!

3rd Place: Samantha Gilbert

A Chrismas Gobbo anybody would want in their Christmas tree, beautifully painted and presented. Sam has a long history of performing well in our Christmas painting competitions, and this goblin bauble was a fan favourite. 

2nd Place: Rich Feely

This Haunting winter scene was the beautiful creation of our very own Rich Feely. Delicately presented in a wooden case and demonstrating a consistent and ethereal colour palette, this motley Christmas crew managed to bag 2nd place. Well done!

1st place: Alan Phillipson

The ghost of the Christmas competition past himself and Winner of last year's competition, Alan blew everybody away with his undeniably brilliant entry(again)! No, you haven’t had too much of your grandmother's sherry, and yes, that is an Ork Santa clause being born aloft by squig-deer. The stunning combination of bombastic festive nonsense and painting know-how is a feast for the eyes. So please join us in congratulating Alan for bringing festive cheer and becoming the Christmas painting champion for 2024! 

Alan Phillipson (Chair), winner of this year's competition. Don’t panic; we have been assured that the smile is not a permanent fixture. 

Honourable mentions: Here are some of the other fantastic entries from this year's competition. We would like to thank everybody who entered, and we look forward to seeing even better participation next year!


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