In a post apocalyptic world, the spawn of the survivors of the Red Plague have strange powers and now with resources and food dwindling the must leave the safety of the Ark and explore a dangerous region known as the Zone.
Mutant Year Zero and I'm looking for 3 to 5 players for a campaign I'm calling 'The Search for Eden'. I'm only assessing interest at the moment, so no fixed start date (hopefully at the next change over). Looking to run this on Mondays from 7 to 10.30pm, initially for 4-8 weeks, but I'm happy to extend that if players are enjoying themselves.
The Red Plague hits a world already on the brink of collapse. Billions die in the first year and wars break out over the last dwindling resources. Mushroom clouds rise from east to west.
The players are members of ‘The People’ spawn of humanity, but not quite human. Their bodies and minds have incredible mutant powers, but they are unstable, and none of them is over 30 years old. They all live in a small settlement / community called ‘The Ark’ on the outskirts of a ruined city.
This has been their home for as long as they can remember, under the guidance of ‘The Elder’ – your leader, but not like you. One of the Ancients. Since they were children, the player characters have been warned never to leave the safety of The Ark; never to venture into ‘The Zone’.
But the safe days are over, food is running scarce and competition for resources risks turning violent. It’s time to venture out into The Zone, to explore, to build and grow The Ark, to create a new civilisation on the ruins of the old.
Also, there are rumours of a place called ‘Eden’ – legendary haven of the Ancients from the apocalypse. That’s where salvation and truth await, so the stories say.