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How to cook your Walktapus

Runequest 2e (Classic)

Game Master :

Status :

Start Date :

Playing on :

Byrom Barr

Seeking Players

Every Wednesday

Adventures in the bronze age world of Glorantha trying to survive long enough to reach Rune Status.

Brave adventurer, having been a member of your cult for two years you have just passed the test to join the ranks of the initiated and now you must prove yourself.

The local sheriff of the village of Apple Lane has managed to divine magically that a notorious Dark Troll has returned to the region and is leading a band of Trolkin bandits and is responsible for recent raids on local farms.

The Sheriff believes that Darkeye and his gang are hiding out in a cave system a days journey away in the local hills known as the Rainbow Mounds.

The posse who capture or kill Darkeye will collect 20 Wheels (Gold Coins) and 10 Lunars (Silver Coins) for each Trolkin dead or alive

Any treasure aside of the stolen objects being returned can be claimed by the posse.

Runequest is a classless system in which characters can learn many skills and spells with a goal of progressing through the cult (faith) they follow.

The combat system is quite deadly and learning to parry is a skill that will become obviously essential very quickly.

The campaign will be very much a sandbox so whether you involve your self in tribal matters of the Balazaring barbarians, explore the Elder Wilds or get entangled in deals with the Folk of Uz (The Trolls) or seek out the treasures of the Mostali (Dwarves) and go green with the Aldryami (Elves) or take the fight to the hordes of Chaos there are plenty of options for adventure and to get killed or maimed. Just wait until you see the Fumble tables.

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