We have three members looking to begin a Middle Earth RolePlaying (MERP) Campaign on Wednesday nights.
MERP was born in the classic RPG explosion of the 1980's and features the best Tolkien materials ever made for a game.
Set in middle earth, we could play in any of the ages (though forth would be my favourite, when all the elves have buggered off to Benidorm or wherever, but I realise this is an unpopular view). MERP can cover grand world spanning events and heroic deeds, or just a bit of local orc/bandit bashing.
We shall be meeting for the first time on Wednesday 2nd November. just to discuss what we want to play, and do a bit of planning or character generation perhaps.
Players, old and new, are welcome. No experience necessary.
There's a discussion channel on the club discord server. Just drop in a message or turn up wednesday.
{As a pointy-ear would say}