2024 was a very successful year. 2025 may be even better!
There are a few changes coming within the club.
Firstly - Josh Townley has resigned from the committee. Josh has been secretary for a year and helped us set up the officer structure and focused on external relations with other clubs, and tournament organisers. With a new baby on the way Josh has chosen to step down and concentrate his energies on other things. I’d like to thank Josh for his efforts and support over the last year. Josh's duties will be shared between Ben and Alan until we elect a new secretary (see below).
Secondly - The club success means that it is becoming increasingly challenging to run. So we have some proposals on changes to the club legal structure that will enable us to
put the club on a professional footing that secures the long term future of the club
reduces the risk on committee members
allows the club to apply for external protection, support and grant funding
As per our constitution, these changes will require a majority vote of club members before we can continue.
Thirdly - our AGM is fast approaching, at which the committee need to stand for re-election. Ben and I both intend to stand for re-election as Treasurer and Chairman respectively.
To do all of this we shall work through this schedule.
Week 17th to 20th February.
We shall run an EGM each game night (Monday, Wednesday, Thursday) to brief everyone
2024 performance and accounts
our proposal for 2025 with budget
call for nominees to stand for committee roles
Accounts and proposals will be circulated and the committee will be available to answer questions.
6th March - close nominations for committee roles. Nominees may campaign for votes.
20th March - Annual General Meeting
vote for committee members
vote on constitutional changes
